31, 2011
Get ready for April Fools Day. If you are going to do a big prank tomorrow, be classy. Go after Big Business; they so richly deserve it. Or go after some sanctimonious bureaucrat who really has it coming. And do it in such a way that merely highlights the victim's ignorance and backward attitudes. Do it like these guys:
If only the Westboro Baptist Church were some sort of prank, but alas, they are not. They are justly vilified, and not very well understood. However, Louis Theroux, a BBC reporter and film maker has done two documentaries on them, spanning four years -- and it is interesting stuff. The first documentary was filmed in 2007: What we're trying to do in the documentary is look at an activity that is so antisocial, so strange, so futile and at its worst, so cruel, and we're saying "Why? Why do that?", especially when you seem to be, for the most part, kind and sensitive people. We're exploring what is cruelty, trying to explain how something that really does very often just amount to cruelty could be perpetuated and passed down in a family. Why would nice people do such horrible things? Four years later, Theroux came back to talk to the group again: What emerged to me was I was seeing a family that through its own tortured logic was involved in a long process of tearing itself apart, while denying at every stage what it was plainly doing. Many of their activities are deeply repellent and yet it is also possible to see the Westboro Baptist Church as human beings who, in a weird way, are victimizing themselves along with all those they picket. March 21, 2011
Current front runners, 2012 Republican nomination:
March 16, 2011 Getting ready for Saint Patrick's Day:
March 11, 2011 The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul, by Dave Bruno. "... it's
not good to have a lot of stuff. Why
shouldn't I? Because stuff isn't passive
and I'm not superhuman. Stuff requires
maintenance, both physical and emotional. It
influences what we do and what we want to
do. A normal human being can only handle
having so much stuff before the stuff starts
to take control, whether it be clutter or
wasted time or unhealthy desires. If we
don't self-impose limits, stuff is
always going to win."
March 7, 2011 Food and drink:
In the "Oh, for Crying out Loud" department. From the town with the highest crime rate in America, a School board courageously steps up and makes a difference: teacher forced to resign after she did nothing illegal. Local school teacher quits after student discovers her x-rated past. How about if every school board member who has ever looked at porn resigns now, too? And also, every boy who has ever looked at a Playboy should be kicked off that season-winning varsity team. Then, fire all the teachers who have ever been to an R-rated movie, and now we can move on to Mothers who have had Impure Thoughts -- stone them!!! February 24, 2011 Science & Tech:
The Economy:
February 14, 2011 Holy cow, it's Valentine's Day! What kind of flowers should I get her? A flowchart. January 31, 2011 Law and Politics:
Science and health:
Good living:
January 19, 2011 Science:
Good living:
And finally, here's how we welcome in the new year for 2011: cartoon123010t.jpg Proud to be a "True Blue" American. |
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Ad-Aware Spybot CCleaner All are free, all work great. They all update themselves when you ask them to -- which you should do once a week before you run the cleanup program. I've never had a single problem with any of them. Firefox is the browser recommended by computer security experts -- it's fast, safe, powerful, and free. Thunderbird is a free email program with superior security and great features. "Eudora OSE" Eudora-style version of Thunderbird -- free Stable release 1.0 Miro is a free open-source media player. Secure, private -- and it plays just about everything. LINUX Ubuntu READ CAREFULLY. By reading this notice [ accepting this material / accepting this payment / accepting this business-card / viewing this t-shirt / reading this sticker ] you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON- NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non- disclosure, non- compete and acceptable use policies ("BOGUS AGREEMENTS") that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer. |
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