Papa Vox Archive: January through June, 2010 |
7, 2010
BP Deepwater Horizon disaster: who's to blame? A handy and informative pie chart. (Sara Palin says environmentalists caused the disaster.) "Enhanced" interrogation techniques (that is to say, techniques that don't leave physical scars as evidence of torture) cause "severe" or "serious" physical and mental harm to detainees. It's torture, folks. Always has been, always will be. Toxoplasma: induces rats to commit suicide by making them sexually excited by the smell of cat urine. (True.) Turns human men into risk-taking, impulsive motorcycle riders, and human women into affectionate, seductive sex kittens. (Maybe.) The "Hedge Fund" tax loophole. OK, so maybe it wasn't a huge asteroid after all: 65 million years ago, continental drift blocked global oceanic circulation. This dramatically cooled the Earth and caused the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event. Cool, manly, leather bags, fit for a globe-trotting archeologist. They are pretty but they ain't cheap. "Cameras have become the most effective weapon that ordinary people have to protect against and to expose police abuse. And the police want it to stop." Take a picture of a cop, get busted big time, even if the encounter involves you and recording it may be necessary for your physical safety and legal defense, and even if the recording is on a public street where no expectation of privacy exists. Prove the cops beat you up for no reason, go to jail because you filmed them. A cave painting of this really large extinct bird may be the oldest piece of art in the world: 40,000 years old. One milkshake, 2010 calories, 68 grams of saturated fat. But trust me, you can do even worse. Sunscreen; good idea, mostly bad execution. Ratings and advice. Igor Stravinsky got arrested for writing his arrangement of the Star Spangled Banner. How weird is that? (alert reader pointed out that this was a hoax...) The phenomenon of supremely confident incompetent people. (I won't mention any names.) I bought a tiffin -- got the bamboo utensil set, too. Love them. Found some great recipes. Do it right, guys; how to fold a pocket square. May 3, 2010 Steven Hawking tells us how to build a time machine, but warns us not to talk to aliens. Cool stuff: Mighty Bright, one of the more innovative LED light companies, making handy lights for crafts, reading, music stands and laptops. How to pronounce that dang Icelandic volcano. Rapid healing of wounds; suction works. You can rent the $100-a-day machine, or you can use this $3 gizmo invented by an MIT student. From an anonymous blogging executive at one of America's 10 largest banks: "The system is built to be gamed." Yellowstone Park, before and after the wolves came back. Glutathione is good for you. Treating women like second-class citizens; Saudi Arabia and the Vatican. Bush and Cheney “had absolutely no concern that the vast majority of Guantánamo detainees were innocent." The "Tweed Run" looks like ripping fun; it's on bicycles, not on foot, and it involves tweed. Organize one in your town. Somebody really needs to explain this to police nationwide: TASERS are a weapon. TASERS injure. TASERS kill. Using them, for example, on thirty high-school students so they'll know "what it feels like" is idiotic. But the following examples (all true) also apply:
With over 300 TASER deaths, it's time for reform. Thursday, April 8, 2010 My old IBM M4 keyboard is still a bit flaky; works pretty well most of the time, but occasionally needs a tap or two over the place where the keyboard circuits connect to the cord. Even so, they remain the best keyboards ever made. Look for one at your local second-hand store. And if you find two, I need a spare.. Beautiful pictures of facial reconstructions; how our hominid ancestors probably looked. Startling and lifelike. The perfect Martini, at least as London sees it. How Sony is messing up big time; producing a bewildering array of redundant gadgets with more flash than utility. Getting the DNA of extinct birds from old eggshells; will we soon say of the Dodo; "tastes like chicken"? Self-explaining chart; Canadians really like their hockey. Twitter about the G-20 summit; go to jail. Fluir; the best hand lotions ever made, by hand, by a really nice lady who knows her stuff. Gene-expression; why stress changes your offspring's DNA. Getting your P.S.A. frequently checked is... maybe not such a great idea after all. Mostly it's all about BPE; "benign" being the important word here. And research shows that the frequently prescribed drugs have many troublesome side effects. Herbal remedies can do as well or better, although Saw Palmetto can cause whopping headaches. While mainstream medicine says prostate massage "doesn't work," over a third of men who have tried it say that they got substantial relief from BPA, and half said it helped. Fail to "Promptly Obey" a customs officer, go to jail for TWO YEARS. "This isn't about safety, it isn't about security, it isn't about the rule of law. It's about obedience." What the health-care reform bill means to Americans: the top 18 changes. Biketech: say goodbye to the bicycle chain, say hello to the carbon drive belt. Golden-ratio calipers; useful for... I don't know. But they sure are pretty, and I want one. Or rather, 1.618. Teens need sleep. Let them start school later in the day, and everyone wins. So why don't schools and school boards make the change? What hard-core Republicans believe is... just silly. And if you though the "Catch Me if you Can" kid was a young criminal mastermind, you should see THIS kid. The cycling universe: bang, crunch, repeat. X-Woman; neanderthal plus homo sapiens. Some reasons why the i-Pad may suck. The collapse of complex business models: "When the value of complexity turns negative, a society plagued by an inability to react remains as complex as ever, right up to the moment where it becomes suddenly and dramatically simpler, which is to say right up to the moment of collapse. Collapse is simply the last remaining method of simplification." One ugly bug. Monday, March 8, 2010 OK, I've been bad. An "alert reader" finally noticed that nothing's been posted here for three months, and complained in a pathetic email. So here's some stuff. Picture of the day: we just got another two feet of snow. Science
Saturday, January 16, 2010 Books:
Proud to be a "True Blue" American. |
in America
What's my ISP connection speed? Papa Vox Archives: Oct, Nov, Dec, 2009 July, Aug, Sept, 2009 April, May, June, 2009 Jan, Feb, March, 2009 Oct, Nov, Dec, 2008 July, Aug, Sept, 2008 April, May, June, 2008 Dec 07; Jan, Feb, Mar, 2008 Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, 2007 May,June, July, 2007 April, 2007 March, 2007 February, 2007 January, 2007 December, 2006 November, 2006 October, 2006 September, 2006 August, 2006 July, 2006 June, 2006 May, 2006 April, 2006 March, 2006 February, 2006 Hacking yourself: An experiment in the supposition that shoes are bad for you with reviews of various "nearly barefoot" alternatives to the evil shoe. An experiment in lowering the set-point as a means of safe, rapid, nearly-effortless weight loss. The miracle of medical massage. Where do your tax dollars go? Want your vote to count? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Cool links: Your daily Peanuts ® Astronomy Picture of the Day BoingBoing Investigate: Don't be suckered by a dubious email that smells like an urban myth. Look it up and find out: Recommended: David Brin's Blog One of today's greatest SciFi authors. A rational, scientific approach to modern life and governmental policy -- what a radical concept! Websites worth visiting: AMERICAblog Big Brass Blog Black Box BRAD BLOG Center for American Progress Crooks and Liars Daily Kos Dem Underground Economist Greenwald-Salon Groupnews Blog Huffington Post Left in the West Media Matters MM News MotherJones Nation NO QUARTER Susie Bright's Journal ThinkProgress TPMmuckraker TruthOut Papa's Reading list: Good books. Educate yourself: The US Cabinet Your State Government Executive Orders Amnesty International Recommended Software: Free Anti-Virus programs. I currently use: avast!
Ad-Aware Spybot CCleaner All are free, all work great. I run all three once a week like clockwork. They all update themselves when you ask them to -- which you should do once a week before you run the cleanup program. I've never had a single problem with any of them. Firefox is the browser recommended by computer security experts -- it's fast, safe, powerful, and free. ![]() Thunderbird is a free email program with superior security and great features. ![]() "Eudora OSE" Eudora-style version of Thunderbird -- free Stable release 1.0 Miro is a free open-source media player. Secure, private -- and it plays just about everything. ![]() LINUX ![]() Ubuntu ![]() READ CAREFULLY. By reading this notice [ accepting this material / accepting this payment / accepting this business-card / viewing this t-shirt / reading this sticker ] you agree, on behalf of your employer, to release me from all obligations and waivers arising from any and all NON- NEGOTIATED agreements, licenses, terms-of-service, shrinkwrap, clickwrap, browsewrap, confidentiality, non- disclosure, non- compete and acceptable use policies ("BOGUS AGREEMENTS") that I have entered into with your employer, its partners, licensors, agents and assigns, in perpetuity, without prejudice to my ongoing rights and privileges. You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your employer. |
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